dermaplaining westchester county ny

What is Dermaplaning?

Dermaplaning gives you a radiant appearance by exfoliating, removing facial hair and brown spots, and restoring an even, smooth complexion. At FaBesthetics Face & Body | Med Spa Laser Skincare Center, Becky Pfeifer, BSN, specializes in helping people achieve and maintain beautiful skin using safe, proven techniques like dermaplaning. Call the office in Mahopac, New York, or use the online booking feature to request a complimentary consultation and learn if dermaplaning meets your cosmetic needs.

Dermaplaning is a safe and highly effective physical exfoliation procedure. This holistic method of exfoliation is performed using a blade to gently scrape the surface of the epidermis removing dead skin cells, vellous hair (peach fuzz), impurities and debris for complete skin rejuvenation.

This treatment is safe and effective for all skin types and provides an alternative to chemical peels or microdermabrasion. It is a good choice for anyone who has fine facial hair, extremely sensitive skin, redness or rosacea, or visible facial veins. Dermaplaning stimulates radiant, healthy skin that is smooth and soft.

What are the benefits of dermaplaning?

Dermaplaning gives you a glowing, healthy appearance by removing old, dead skin at the surface and letting new skin appear. This procedure also improves a range of cosmetic challenges. You may benefit from dermaplaning if you deal with problems like:

  • Uneven skin tone and texture
  • Dry, dull skin
  • Rough skin surfaces
  • Sun-damaged skin
  • Brown spots
  • Blemishes
  • Fine lines
  • Acne scars
  • Unwanted facial hair (dark and peach fuzz)

Facial hair will grow back again, but it will not be any thicker or darker.

Can everyone have dermaplaning?

Most people can undergo dermaplaning, but you may not be a good candidate if you have:

  • Inflammatory acne
  • Eczema
  • Psoriasis
  • Moles, skin tags, or other skin growths

Before dermaplaning, Becky examines your skin and ensures the procedure is safe for you.

Do I need to prepare for dermaplaning? You should stop using exfoliating products and avoid sun exposure the week before your dermaplaning appointment. Be sure to let Becky know if any wounds or lesions appear before your appointment. She may need to reschedule to give your skin time to heal.

What should I expect during and after dermaplaning? Before your treatment, Becky may apply a numbing cream to ensure your comfort. Even without the cream, most people only feel a scratching sensation, so the procedure is generally easy to tolerate.

Dermaplaning may take a few minutes to an hour or longer, depending on the area you need to be treated. As soon as you’re finished, you don’t need to take downtime so that you can get back to your usual activities.

After your treatment, your provider may apply an enzyme treatment. With the skin’s outer layers gone, the treatment can penetrate deep below the surface to produce better results.

Becky explains how to care for your skin after dermaplaning, but the most important step you can take is protecting your treated skin from sunlight. Dermaplaning: $140 Dermaplaning Facial: $185